Thursday, August 19, 2010

28 week ultrasound

Say hello to the 3rd trimester!

Here are the latest pics of little K :) We got to see her itch her nose.

We had our 28 week ultrasound today, got to see the nugget for the first time in 10 weeks! Everything is looking normal, little Kiersten Helen Holmes is doing great. Yes, we did decide on a name :) Such a responsibility to pick someones name! Rich and I were laughing thinking.... what if we go to the appt today and they made a mistake, it's actually a BOY! It would be weird to call baby something different then Kiersten at this point.
She is still in breech position, her head is up by my right rib, which I sort of knew because she has been kicking my lower left side for awhile now. Another piece of news is that I still have a low-lying placenta, so they've asked me to come back one more time for another ultrasound in 5 weeks. If, at that time, the placenta hasn't rotated up, then chances are good I will have to schedule a C-section. I will keep you posted on that. As much as I would prefer to have a natural birth, a good thing about the C-section would be that we would be able to schedule the date when Kiersten will be born. Both Rich and his father John were born on Oct 25, so he is pulling for a 3rd generation Oct 25 due date :)

But keep me and my placenta in your thoughts, think ROTATE! haha :)

Love and aloha,

Linds, Rich, and Kiersten


  1. So exciting you guys! She is a beauty already :)Love the name, although I am partial to K's...
