Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nugget progress

Haven't written in awhile, so I will start with last week:
Last week on Thursday Rich and I signed up for a tour of the maternity ward at Kapiolani hospital, where we will deliver. They provided a lot of great information, and we got to see the maternity floors, the delivery and recovery rooms, and some of the newborn babies :) It was so surreal, but it felt very natural and comfortable. I feel lucky that my obgyn that I've been seeing for years is located at this hospital, I know my way around. We got to talk to the counselor about a variety of topics, like cord blood banking and how to check in when in labor. It definitely made us feel more prepared.
Fast Forward to my appt today:
Today I had my 15 week appointment. My Dr. (Dr. Angel Willey) and I went over the results of my blood work, the ultrasound I had a month ago, and some other questions I had. My blood work came back 100% normal, as did the measurements of the nugget. Rich didn't join me on this appt as we thought it was just going to be discussion of the results, but little did we know! I got to hear the heartbeat today!! I was so sad Rich missed it... he will definitely be at the next appt. The heartbeat was 153. She found mine first, and said, ok, now lets find the baby, it's about twice as fast. And it was, that little heart was workin!

So we are right on track for everything! I am feeling great, except for my constant appetite of a horse and indecision about what I want to eat :) Poor Rich, everyday it's like... mexican sounds good, but so does greek, and chinese... what do you want to eat Rich? He's like... really Linds, it's your decision. Lately though he's been great about making executive decisions. I can find anything on a menu that sounds good :) we are also trying to cook at home most often, saving money and being healthy.
Speaking of my appetite, my weight is right on track, I've only gained 5 lbs since the beginning of the pregnancy.

That is about all for now, our next appt is on 6/11 where we should be able to find out pink or blue. Can't wait :) xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so happy for you guys. My eyes teared up when I read that you heared the babies heartbeat for the first time. I remember that awsome feeling. As for wanting to eat, you go girl. I had the worst morning sickness nothing ever sounded good. Good luck, take your vitamins, and enjoy the second trimeseter.
    Love, Alison
