Baby Kiersten is not ready to make her appearance into the world. I had an amniocentesis done on Friday, and it revealed that Kiersten's lungs are not developed enough for early delivery. Towards the end of pregnancy they develop exponentially, so they will be ready soon, just not yet. They've asked that I come in for another amniocentesis on 10/28, which I am not excited about, it's not the most pleasant experience. In case you are wondering, an amnio is when they stick a fairly large needle into a pocket of amniotic fluid as located with an ultrasound, and extract a few ounces of fluid to test. The actual procedure wasn't as bad as I'd trumped it up to be in my head, but the recovery was quite uncomfortable. At least I get to go work from home the remainder of the day...
So I've got 2 more weeks (at least) of pregnancy.
Today I am 36 weeks, 3 days.
37 weeks is considered full term.
Ready to meet her.
Ready to not be pregnant anymore.
Looks like she is not going to be a Libra! She will be Scorpio, like her daddy.